Monday, January 30, 2012

L. Tom Perry

This week’s Relief Society lesson is taken from Elder L. Tom Perry’s October 2011 General Conference talk, “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.”
He said, “the Church is receiving more attention across the world than ever before. Members of the media write or talk about the Church every day, reporting on its many activities. Many of the most prominent news outlets in the United States regularly discuss the Church or its members. These discussions extend across the globe as well.” As the Church is discussed through the media and the internet on a daily basis, we can help “disabuse the public mind” and correct misinformation by showing who we are.

Elder Perry suggests three things that we can do to show the world who we, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are.
First, we must be bold in our declaration of Jesus Christ. We want people to know that we believe in Him.

Second, we can be righteous examples to others. “Our lives should be examples of goodness and virtue as we try to emulate [Christ’s] example to the world.”

Third, we must speak up about the Church. We have many opportunities on a daily basis to share the gospel. Whether it is by discussing our beliefs with friends or coworkers, or by sharing information about the church through social media, we can find a way to share our beliefs.

Elder Perry promises us that if we will respond to the invitation to share our beliefs and feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love and a spirit of courage will be our constant companion, for “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18.)

Please read the whole Talk here:

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